woman learning outside

A Husband-and-Wife Facilitation Team Strengthens the Entrepreneurial Community in Central Illinois

August 30, 2022

  To get a feel for the Ice House courses facilitated by husband-and-wife team Dr. Jeremy “JK” Morris and Dr. Juanita Morris, just listen to their weekly podcast, Thee Morris Code. The guests laugh and banter, but they’re also willing to display a remarkable degree of vulnerability. This candid nature was especially evident in July when the Morrises spent the month highlighting past Ice House participants at Richland Community College’s EnRich program in Decatur, Illinois. …

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Categories: Entrepreneurial Learning, Entrepreneurial Mindset, Entrepreneurship Training, Human Flourishing, Human Potential, Learning & Development, Student Success, Uncategorized

university students listening in a class

How the Ice House Model Helps Independence Community College Fulfill Its Economic Development Mission

August 3, 2022

  The small southeastern Kansas community of Independence has a healthy downtown. This is true despite setbacks in industries like coal mining and oil production. Business coach and longtime resident Jim Correll believes the Ice House model deserves a share of the credit because many successful downtown business owners have participated in the Entrepreneurial Mindset course through Independence Community College’s Fab Lab ICC—including the current president of the Chamber of Commerce.  For the past decade,…

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Categories: Entrepreneurial Culture, Entrepreneurial Learning, Entrepreneurial Mindset, Entrepreneurship Education, Entrepreneurship Training, Human Flourishing, Human Potential, Learning & Development, Student Completion, Student Engagement, Student Success, Uncategorized

a stack of entrepreneurship books

Why A Little Mental Turbulence Can Be a Good Thing for Early-Stage Startups

July 26, 2022

  After welcoming each new cohort of idea-driven participants to Entrepreneurial Mindset Training, facilitator Joel Barrett issues a warning: Turbulence Ahead.  Barrett is a business development consultant with the Missouri Small Business Development Center (SBDC) at the University of Missouri-Kansas City. He and his colleagues use the Ice House model to redefine entrepreneurship as the self-directed pursuit of opportunities to create value for others by discovering and solving problems—and he has firsthand experience with the…

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Categories: Entrepreneurial Culture, Entrepreneurial Learning, Entrepreneurial Mindset, Entrepreneurial Workforce, Entrepreneurship Training, Human Flourishing, Human Potential, Learning & Development, Workforce Development

empty classroom

How the Ice House Program Fits into 30 Years of Entrepreneurship Education at a Kansas College

July 22, 2022

  Johnson County Community College in Kansas City, Kansas, is a pioneer in entrepreneurship education. In fact, many of its students today weren’t even born yet when JCCC launched its entrepreneurship program in 1992.  Adjunct Professor Joe Magnant has been in a prime position to observe the program’s ebbs and flows over the past three decades. For 15 of those years, he’s been riding the current along with the college as one of its go-to…

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Categories: Entrepreneurial Learning, Entrepreneurial Mindset, Entrepreneurship Education, Human Flourishing, Human Potential, Learning & Development, Student Completion, Student Engagement, Student Success, Uncategorized


Tips for Facilitating from the Hampshire County Sheriff’s Department

July 20, 2022

  Many Ice House facilitators say their course participants don’t need facilitators to teach them entrepreneurial skills. The participants possess them already. So the issue is how they’re choosing to apply those skills. Take the participants in the Ice House classes offered by the Hampshire County Sheriff’s Department to the men in its correctional facility. “They do have an entrepreneurial mindset, but they’re using it in a different way because they’re driven by other things,”…

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Categories: Entrepreneurial Learning, Entrepreneurial Mindset, Entrepreneurship Education, Human Flourishing, Human Potential, Learning & Development