“Withdrawal in disgust is not the same as apathy,” Or, Optimal Engagement in the Workplace

April 10, 2024

  When I first heard Michael Stipe cry out that line from the R.E.M. song What’s the Frequency Kenneth? something about it stuck with me.  And it still resonates with me today. I was relatively new to the workforce, and that one line said a lot about what I saw every day in my workplace. I was surrounded by incredibly bright, capable people who, on the surface, seemed at best apathetic. Were they really apathetic,…

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Categories: Employee Engagement, Entrepreneurial Culture, Entrepreneurial Leadership, Entrepreneurial Workforce, Human Flourishing, Human Potential, Learning & Development, Redefining Entrepreneurship, Workforce Development

group of people talking in an art classroom

Ditching the Easy Fix at Victor Valley College

February 27, 2023

  If you’re always implementing an easy fix, you’re probably looking at all your problems as technical issues rather than complex, adaptive ones. But it can be hard to find the motivation to change. Not to mention the time to peel back the layers of those big, intractable issues and devise solutions. Here’s a pep talk in the form of an example from Victor Valley College in Victorville, California, where McKenzie Tarango is the Dean…

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Categories: Employee Engagement, Entrepreneurial Leadership, Human Flourishing, Human Potential, Learning & Development, Workforce Development

a professor looking over two students' work on a white board

Denver Educator Does a 180 in His Beliefs About Businesspeople

September 19, 2022

  When Adam Melnick was in college, he was sure of one thing: Business people were greedy and never wanted to be one.  Fast forward two decades, and his perspective have shifted by 180 degrees. Although he isn’t currently in business himself, as an assistant professor of management at the Metropolitan State University of Denver, he teaches others the mindset and skills they’ll need to be successful.  “I just completely fell in love with entrepreneurship…

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Categories: Entrepreneurial Learning, Entrepreneurial Mindset, Entrepreneurship Education, Human Flourishing, Human Potential, Learning & Development, Student Engagement, Student Success, Uncategorized

a box of mochi donuts

How a Minnesota Teen Brought Her Entrepreneurial Spirit to Life

September 6, 2022

  By the time Saint Paul College Business Instructor Linda Michel met Saint Paul Public Schools student Sandy Lee, the teen had already started two businesses—before age 17.  Lee was enrolled in the Postsecondary Enrollment Options (PSEO) program, which lets high schoolers earn college credits for free. She gravitated toward the entrepreneurial mindset in the Ice House model Michel uses within her course.  Lee said that just as Uncle Cleve had responded to a need…

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Categories: Entrepreneurial Mindset, Entrepreneurship Education, Human Flourishing, Human Potential, Learning & Development, Student Engagement, Student Success

woman learning outside

A Husband-and-Wife Facilitation Team Strengthens the Entrepreneurial Community in Central Illinois

August 30, 2022

  To get a feel for the Ice House courses facilitated by husband-and-wife team Dr. Jeremy “JK” Morris and Dr. Juanita Morris, just listen to their weekly podcast, Thee Morris Code. The guests laugh and banter, but they’re also willing to display a remarkable degree of vulnerability. This candid nature was especially evident in July when the Morrises spent the month highlighting past Ice House participants at Richland Community College’s EnRich program in Decatur, Illinois. …

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Categories: Entrepreneurial Learning, Entrepreneurial Mindset, Entrepreneurship Training, Human Flourishing, Human Potential, Learning & Development, Student Success, Uncategorized