Tackling Social Injustice Through an Entrepreneurial Mindset

October 27, 2021

  The opportunities and resources for Black entrepreneurs and minority-led startups often presuppose a skill set that people who grew up in poverty don’t have.  “A lot of the circles of support are for middle-class Black people,” explained Pastor Myron Pierce. Pierce serves as the pastor of the Mission Church in North Omaha, Nebraska. “There’s a language you have to speak, systems and structures and culture you need to know about—and that makes it hard…

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Categories: Entrepreneurial Culture, Entrepreneurial Learning, Entrepreneurial Mindset, Entrepreneurship Education, Entrepreneurship Training, Human Flourishing, Human Potential, Partner News, Workforce Development

e-commerce revenue on a laptop

NetWork Kansas Builds Entrepreneurial Thinking Through E-Communities

February 23, 2021

  All across Kansas, residents are taking a deep dive into entrepreneur-led development thanks to NetWork Kansas and its E-Commerce Programs.  Over the past 14 years, 66 e-communities have been established in the state’s 105 counties, providing $21.5 million to businesses and leveraging an additional $99.2 million (via bank loans, owner down payments, resource partner loans, and more). In addition to financial assistance, e-communities have played a significant role in changing how people think about…

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Categories: Entrepreneurial Culture, Entrepreneurial Learning, Entrepreneurial Mindset, Entrepreneurial Workforce, Entrepreneurship Training, Human Flourishing, Human Potential, Workforce Development

Gary’s Top Ten Resources for Understanding the Entrepreneurial Mindset

August 11, 2020

  My interest in entrepreneurship comes from a behavioral perspective. I see the entrepreneurial mindset as a way of thinking that optimizes engagement in ways that extend beyond those who endeavor to start and grow new businesses. My goal is to understand the controllable cognitive, motivational, and situational factors that give rise to the development of entrepreneurial attitudes, behaviors, and skills. I believe that if we can understand these underlying causes, we can create more…

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Categories: Entrepreneurial Mindset, Entrepreneurship Education, Entrepreneurship Training, Human Potential, Learning & Development, Redefining Entrepreneurship

The Hidden Science Behind Persistence

April 7, 2020

  Photo by Marc-Olivier Jodoin on Unsplash Learn How to Think (and Act) Like an Entrepreneur Part 8/8   Throughout this eight-part series, I have attempted to describe core concepts distilled from my observations and analysis of “unlikely” entrepreneurs. My intention was to tease out the common and replicable factors that anyone could embrace. Among those observations was what appeared to be an almost Herculean ability to persist through a mind-boggling array of challenges, setbacks, and…

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Categories: Entrepreneurial Learning, Entrepreneurial Mindset, Entrepreneurship Education, Entrepreneurship Training, How to Think and Act Like an Entrepreneur, Human Flourishing, Human Potential

How To Recognize Opportunities That Others Overlook

December 10, 2018

Photo By Paul Skorupskas on Unsplash Learn How to Think (and Act) Like an Entrepreneur Part 2/8 I’ve spent the past two decades exploring the mindset and the methods of everyday entrepreneurs – the underdogs and the misfits whose only advantage in life is in the way they think. In this second post of an eight-part series, I’ll explore the underlying logic and the cognitive strategies that enable entrepreneurs to recognize opportunities that others overlook.…

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Categories: Entrepreneurial Culture, Entrepreneurial Leadership, Entrepreneurial Mindset, Entrepreneurship Education, Entrepreneurship Training, How to Think and Act Like an Entrepreneur, Human Flourishing, Human Potential, Student Success