Small Towns, Big Potential

April 17, 2017

  Historically, small-town America has been a hotbed of entrepreneurial activity. However, data demonstrates that during the economic recovery in the early 1990s, counties with fewer than 100,000 residents contributed at the highest rate in adding new businesses to the economy. Nurturing entrepreneurial growth helps create a thriving environment…

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Categories: Entrepreneurial Mindset, Entrepreneurship Education, Entrepreneurship Training, Human Potential

The Power of Human Potential

February 15, 2017

  Human potential is one of our world’s greatest untapped resources. If we can help individuals reach new heights through the knowledge and practice of an entrepreneurial mindset, we will help move our world closer to a consistent state of human flourishing.

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Categories: Entrepreneurial Culture, Entrepreneurial Learning, Entrepreneurial Mindset, Entrepreneurship Education, Entrepreneurship Training, Human Flourishing, Human Potential, Student Completion, Student Engagement

NACCE Members Embrace Student Success Campaign

October 25, 2016

In this NACCE Community College Entrepreneurship Journal Article, former President Bree Langemo shares how community colleges across the United States are embracing the entrepreneurial mindset as a means to student success.

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Categories: Entrepreneurial Leadership, Entrepreneurial Workforce, Entrepreneurship Education, Entrepreneurship Training, Student Completion, Student Engagement, Student Success

Advancing Student Success, Together

February 15, 2016

Employers are increasingly demanding an innovative and entrepreneurial workforce with critical thinking, problem solving, collaboration, communication, and other entrepreneurial skills. Seventy-seven percent of employers report that these soft skills are as important as technical skills. Funding models for higher education are now shifting their focus from college access to completion, therefore creating an urgent need to increase completion rates while producing graduates who possess the knowledge and skills that the workforce demands.

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Categories: Entrepreneurial Leadership, Entrepreneurial Mindset, Entrepreneurial Workforce, Entrepreneurship Education, Entrepreneurship Training, Redefining Entrepreneurship, Student Completion, Student Engagement, Student Success