An Entrepreneurial Mindset for Student Success

May 31, 2016

Student engagement is a growing challenge for many community colleges as funding models shift from access to completion. Meanwhile, as the skills gap widens, employers are increasingly demanding a workforce with innovative and entrepreneurial attitudes and skills. The key to meeting these complex challenges is to equip students with an entrepreneurial mindset at the onset of their academic journey.

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Categories: Entrepreneurial Learning, Entrepreneurial Mindset, Entrepreneurial Workforce, Entrepreneurship Education, Redefining Entrepreneurship, Student Completion, Student Engagement, Student Success

Advancing Student Success, Together

February 15, 2016

Employers are increasingly demanding an innovative and entrepreneurial workforce with critical thinking, problem solving, collaboration, communication, and other entrepreneurial skills. Seventy-seven percent of employers report that these soft skills are as important as technical skills. Funding models for higher education are now shifting their focus from college access to completion, therefore creating an urgent need to increase completion rates while producing graduates who possess the knowledge and skills that the workforce demands.

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Categories: Entrepreneurial Leadership, Entrepreneurial Mindset, Entrepreneurial Workforce, Entrepreneurship Education, Entrepreneurship Training, Redefining Entrepreneurship, Student Completion, Student Engagement, Student Success

Entrepreneurship Education Reimagined

August 31, 2015

Originally posted on the Kern Entrepreneurial Engineering Network (KEEN) blog on August 28, 2015. This has since been removed. In today’s highly dynamic, interconnected world, the need to encourage and support entrepreneurial thinking at all levels of society including public, private, and non-profit sectors is rapidly becoming a global imperative. Policymakers from the White House to the World Economic Forum have identified entrepreneurship education as essential for building the societies of the future, stating; “Entrepreneurship…

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Categories: Entrepreneurial Mindset, Entrepreneurship Education, Human Flourishing, Redefining Entrepreneurship

First Year Student Success Course: The Home for Entrepreneurial Mindset Education

February 15, 2015

If community colleges equip students with an entrepreneurial mindset at the onset of their academic journey, students will be more engaged and take ownership of their own success, academically and beyond. Hence, the best home for an entrepreneurial mindset education is within a first-year student success course where there is significant evidence of a large-scale impact on student persistence, credential completion or transfer.

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Categories: Entrepreneurial Learning, Entrepreneurial Mindset, Entrepreneurial Workforce, Human Potential, Redefining Entrepreneurship, Student Completion, Student Engagement, Student Success