June 15, 2018

Ice House Goes to Ireland – Student Success at Kenmare Community School

Over the course of the past academic year in Ireland, 39 students at Kenmare Community School, or Pobalscoil Inbhear Scéine, completed the Ice House Student Success Program. As a part of their Transition Year curriculum, the students were guided using the program to promote critical thinking and solution-oriented skills for their continued secondary education and beyond.

The Transition Year is an opportunity for students around the age of 14 to build key life skills, focusing on experiential learning, with the goal of providing work experience as a means of empowering many students before they enter the workforce.

This initiative was developed in partnership with ELI and facilitator Michael Shields. Through Michael’s guidance, many of the participants have found themselves feeling more confident in their ideas, as well as their ability to affect change. We congratulate Michael on his successful year!

Check out the classes below: