Instill and apply the benefits of an entrepreneurial mindset early in education


The Ice House Middle School Program builds resilience, creative problem-solving, and collaboration skills while helping young people recognize the applications for their education at an earlier age.

Intended Audience

Ice House Middle School is a course that cultivates an entrepreneurial mindset in young adults ranging from 11-16 years old.

Program Content

Drawing on the early success of the Ice House Student Success Program, this edition expands upon Who Owns the Ice House? Eight Life Lessons from an Unlikely Entrepreneur by incorporating age-appropriate activities to practice entrepreneurial thinking that push young students’ outside of their comfort zone. Each lesson contains video case studies featuring a variety of real-world, “unlikely” entrepreneurs and students who have embraced the core concepts of an entrepreneurial mindset.

Participants will consume, review, share, apply, and reflect on the following 300 pages of content:

  • Who Owns the Ice House? Eight Life Lessons from an Unlikely Entrepreneur Book
  • PDF Lesson Content with 10 Hours of Embedded Video Case Studies
  • Multiple Choice & Discussion Questions
  • Classroom Activities & Worksheets
  • Reflection Assignments
  • Ice House Opportunity Discovery Process

Program Outcomes

Ice House Middle School is designed to empower learners during a developmental phase of life and enhance their curiosity. In addition, it encourages creativity and critical thinking, communication, teamwork, and other entrepreneurial skills – skills that will enable them to succeed regardless of their chosen path.

Most notably, the Ice House Middle School Program outcomes are designed to:

  • Create more prepared and engaged students
  • Increase self-efficacy
  • Develop entrepreneurial attitudes, behaviors, and skills
  • Assist in meeting college- and career-readiness standards

Course Delivery

Ice House Middle School is highly flexible and can be integrated into your classroom as much or as little as desired.

  • Digital and Print-Ready Student Content
  • 600 pages of Facilitator Materials and Resource Guides
  • Traditional Classroom or Blended Delivery


Facilitator Requirements

Ice House does not require the instructor to be a subject matter expert in the field of entrepreneurship but instead, a facilitator of the entrepreneurial learning process. To ensure the quality of the learner experience and a core understanding of the Ice House philosophy, one must attend the Entrepreneurial Mindset Facilitator Certification in order to facilitate the program to others.

To learn more about all the Ice House Entrepreneurship Programs, join one of our monthly live webinars.

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