Programa de Emprendimiento de La Casa del Hielo: Edición Académica
Un marco para entender e implementar una mentalidad emprendedora
El Programa de Emprendimiento de La Casa del Hielo es un programa de aprendizaje experiencial, basado en problemas y diseñado para inspirar e involucrar a los participantes en los aspectos fundamentales de una mentalidad empresarial y las oportunidades ilimitadas que esta puede proveer.
Inspirado en la historia de vida del nominado al Pulitzer Clifton Taulbert, El Programa de Emprendimiento de La Casa del Hielo está diseñado para empoderar a los participantes, exponiéndolos al pensamiento empresarial mientras los sumerge en experiencias emprendedoras que les permitirán desarrollar su creatividad y pensamiento crítico, solución efectiva de problemas, comunicación, trabajo en equipo y otras habilidades emprendedoras esenciales.
Basado en los ocho conceptos fundamentales descritos en el libro, el Programa Emprendimiento de La Casa del Hielo incluye un componente en línea que presenta videos de “casos de estudio” de empresarios y emprendedores del mundo real cuyas experiencias compartidas ayudan a reforzar los conceptos clave.
- Adicional al libro y las lecturas en línea, el curso también incluye:
Evaluaciones de selección múltiple diseñadas para asegurar la comprensión de conocimiento básico
- Discusiones en la pizarra y talleres con pares para promover interacción entre pares
- Ejercicios prácticos basados la solución de problemas que permiten a los estudiantes desarrollar habilidades emprendedoras
- Ejercicios de reflexión que animan a los estudiantes a reflexionar acerca de lo que han aprendido y cómo puede ser aplicado a sus metas personales
Objetivos de aprendizaje
Los estudiantes que completen este curso serán capaces de:
- Establecer y mejorar actitudes, comportamientos y habilidades emprendedoras
- Entender y experimentar el proceso emprendedor
- Identificar factores sociales y situacionales que promueven o inhiben el comportamiento emprendedor
- Establecer una red de mentores y consejeros que puedan proveer apoyo continuo
Objetivos de aprendizaje en Educación General
- Pensamiento crítico y solución de problemas – Los estudiantes aprenderán a resolver problemas en situaciones del mundo real altamente ambiguas donde las respuestas no están clara o no son fáciles de encontrar.
- Investigación y análisis – Los estudiantes son animados a identificar nuevas oportunidades a través de un proceso riguroso de interacción y observación, experimentación y adaptación.
- Aprendizaje autodirigido – Del paso de salones de clase tradicionales a la identificación y trabajo con mentores y consejeros expertos y establecimiento de redes y trabajo entre pares, los estudiantes aprenden a encontrar conocimiento a través de diversas fuentes.
- Comunicación oral y escrita – Presentaciones en clase tipo pitch e interacciones con el mundo real promueven que los estudiantes desarrollen habilidades de comunicación esenciales
- Compromiso Cívico – Durante el curso, los estudiantes son animados a identificar e interactuar con mentores y asesores locales que puedan proporcionar guía crítica y apoyo.
- Trabajo en equipo – Trabajando en equipos pequeños, los estudiantes aprenden a conectarse y colaborar con otros para identificar, evaluar y validar oportunidades emprendedoras.
Público al que está dirigido y aplicación del curso
El Programa de Emprendimiento de La Casa del Hielo puede ser adaptado a una gran variedad de participantes que van desde adultos jóvenes hasta espacios de educación superior. El curso puede ser usado como una introducción al emprendimiento o como un curso de educación general. Mientras los conceptos centrales son aplicables a un amplio rango de estudiantes, los trabajos individuales pueden adaptarse para ajustarse a su público y objetivos específicos de aprendizaje.
Resumen del curso: Ocho lecciones de vida

Introducción: The introductory lesson offers a brief overview of the eight life lessons, an introduction to several of the Ice House Entrepreneurs as well as a look beneath the surface to examine some of the most commonly held myths about what it really takes to succeed as an entrepreneur. We’ll also define the term “mindset” in a way that is actionable to an aspiring entrepreneur.
- What you will learn: Chapter one provides a brief description of each of the eight life lessons.
- Introduction to the Ice House Entrepreneurs: In chapter two, we’ll introduce several of the Ice House Entrepreneurs who will describe in their own words the opportunities they found, the challenges they faced and the valuable lessons they learned along the way.
- Unraveling the mystery: Are entrepreneurs born with a unique ability or is entrepreneurship something that we can learn? In chapter three, we’ll examine the myths and explore the reality of what it really takes to succeed as an entrepreneur.
- Mindset defined: What exactly is a mindset? The mindset may be the most important aspect of entrepreneurship, yet it may also be the most often overlooked and widely misunderstood. In this chapter, we’ll define the term in a way that is actionable to an aspiring entrepreneur.
Lección 1- El poder de Elegir
Lección 1 – El poder de Elegir: Life is not a lottery. The ability to choose the way we respond to our circumstances is fundamental to an entrepreneurial mindset. Using real-world examples, participants learn to recognize how choices rather than circumstances will ultimately shape our lives.
- Influence: In chapter one we’ll learn how our environment can influence our mindset and the decisions we make – decisions that may be holding us back.
- React vs Respond: Chapter two examines the difference between a reaction and a response. Students learn how entrepreneurs respond to their circumstances rather than react.
- Locus of Control: Chapter three introduces the concept of an internal vs an external locus of control. In this chapter, we will examine both perspectives and discuss the outcomes of each.
- Vision: The Power to Choose In chapter four, we will learn how entrepreneurs use their imagination and vision to access the greatest power they have – the power to choose.
Lección 2- Reconociendo Oportunidades
Lección 2 – Reconociendo Oportunidades: Problems are often opportunities in disguise. Entrepreneurs are problem solvers and the secret to their success lies in their ability to identify problems and find solutions. Participants learn to identify problems and use their knowledge and experience to find solutions.
- In search of opportunity: In chapter one, we’ll examine the importance of balancing the “right” idea with our abilities as an entrepreneur.
- Problems are opportunities: In chapter two, we’ll examine some of the fundamental concepts and the underlying assumptions that enable entrepreneurs to identify opportunities regardless of their circumstances.
- Simple solutions: In chapter three, we’ll see how entrepreneurs with limited resources transform simple solutions into successful new ventures.
- Opportunistic adaptation: In chapter four, we’ll describe the process of opportunistic adaptation. We’ll see how entrepreneurs often uncover unforeseen opportunities through the process of interaction and observation, experimentation and adaptation.
- Prior work experience: In chapter five, we’ll discuss where to look for opportunities. While some set out in search of a big idea, we’ll see how entrepreneurs learn to identify opportunities in their own back yard.
- Enthusiastic and somewhat inexperienced: Contrary to popular belief, we need not be an “expert” to become an entrepreneur. In chapter six, we’ll see how successful entrepreneurs overcome their lack of experience to succeed.
- Inventor as entrepreneur: In chapter seven, we’ll learn directly from a very successful inventor and entrepreneur who will describe the process of identifying problems and finding solutions.
Lección 3- Ideas en Acción
Lección 3 – Ideas en Acción: Think big. Start small. Act fast. Entrepreneurs are action oriented and they tend to focus their time and energy on things they can change rather than things they cannot. Using case studies, participants learn how entrepreneurs overcome self-imposed limitations and put their ideas into action.
- Barriers to entry: In chapter one, we’ll define the barriers that prevent us from acting on our ideas.
- Lack of money: In chapter two, we’ll discuss the lack of money as an obstacle that can be overcome.
- Bootstrapping: In chapter three, we’ll explore the concept of bootstrapping. We learn how entrepreneurs manage to make it work with what they’ve got by “bootstrapping” their way into business.
- Proof of Concept: In chapter four, we will discuss the importance of “proving your concept”. We’ll see how entrepreneurs with limited resources “prove their concepts” with real customers.
- Lack of time: In chapter five, we’ll explore the lack of time as an obstacle that entrepreneurs learn to overcome.
- Lack of experience: In chapter six, we’ll discuss the lack of experience as a barrier and the learning curve that every entrepreneur must learn to overcome.
- Fear: In chapter seven, we’ll identify fear and self-doubt as a barrier that many entrepreneurs learn to overcome.
- Re-inventing work: In chapter eight, we’ll examine the motivation and the perspective that drives entrepreneurs to succeed.
Lección 4- Búsqueda del Conocimiento
Lección 4- Búsqueda del Conocimiento: Our effort can only take us as far as our understanding. Entrepreneurs are self-directed, lifelong learners who understand the power of knowledge combined with effort. Participants learn how entrepreneurs find the knowledge they need, combining traditional classroom learning with real-world interaction and observation, experimentation and adaptation.
- The power of knowledge: In chapter one, we will explore the power of knowledge combined with effort.
- Learning defined: In chapter two, we’ll define formal learning and examine its relevance to an entrepreneur.
- The “aha” moment: In chapter three, we’ll describe the “aha” moment that awakens our curiosity and ignites an innate desire to learn.
- Planning for success: In chapter four, we’ll discuss the importance of planning. We’ll see how entrepreneurs learn by doing, often taking a ready-fire-aim approach.
- A word of caution: In chapter five, a word of caution: we’ll discuss the importance of approaching our ideas as unproven assumptions rather than established facts.
- Knowledge as a barrier: In chapter six, we’ll look at the learning curve and discuss knowledge as a barrier that stops many in their tracks.
- Learning redefined: In chapter seven, we’ll describe the process of informal learning. We’ll see how entrepreneurs learn to find the knowledge they need to get where they want to go.
Lección 5- Creando Riqueza
Lección 5- Creando Riqueza: Spending or investing? For most, it’s not the lack of money that prevents us from prospering. Participants learn fundamental concepts of financial literacy from an entrepreneurial perspective. Learn how entrepreneurs manage their expenses, handle credit and leverage their abilities to create sustainable wealth.
- Wealth perceived: In chapter one, we’ll examine some of the common misconceptions about wealth as well as the underlying beliefs and assumptions that so often lead us astray.
- Wealth defined: In chapter two, we’ll define the four basic concepts that become the foundation for creating wealth.
- Spending vs investing: In chapter three, we’ll explore the fundamental difference between spending and investing when it comes to creating wealth.
- The credit trap: In chapter four, we’ll learn how to use credit as a lever to advance our goals rather than a burden that keeps us stuck.
- An entrepreneur’s approach: In chapter five, we’ll examine an entrepreneur’s approach. We’ll see how entrepreneurs like Uncle Cleve create sustainable wealth regardless of the circumstances from which they begin.
Lección 6- Creando su Marca
Lección 6- Creando su Marca: Actions speak louder than words. Entrepreneurs are problem solvers and reliability is the key to their success. Using case studies and modern-day examples, participants learn how entrepreneurs transform simple solutions into big opportunities by building a reputation for reliability.
- Brand defined: In chapter one, we’ll define the term brand in a way that is relevant and actionable to an aspiring entrepreneur.
- Defining your brand: In chapter two, we’ll discuss the importance of understanding your customers as the key to defining your brand.
- Communicating your brand: In chapter three, we’ll learn how entrepreneurs communicate their brand through their words as well as their actions. We’ll also see how they leverage their brand to overcome inertia and communicate value to potential customers.
- Building your brand: In chapter four, we’ll learn how entrepreneurs build their brand. You’ll learn firsthand how they transform simple solutions into a sustainable success by being consistent and reliable.
- Confidence: In chapter five, we’ll examine the role of confidence, where it comes from and why it is important.
Lección 7- Creando Comunidad
Lección 7- Creando Comunidad: Entrepreneurs understand the power of positive influence and they learn to surround themselves with others who have been where they intend to go. Participants will learn how to tap into a network of entrepreneurs, mentors and trusted advisers within their own communities.
- Community defined: In chapter one, we’ll define a community as a success network of others who have been where we want to go.
- The value of a network: In chapter two, we’ll discuss the value and the influence that a success network can provide.
- Who is our network?: In chapter three, we’ll examine five separate sources of support from those who are on a similar path to successful entrepreneurs who have been where we intend to go.
- Crossing the chasm: In chapter four, we’ll describe three distinct phases of transformation and the role our success network plays in each.
- Building a success network: And finally, in chapter five, we’ll discuss how entrepreneurs create their success networks as well as some of the obstacles that often stand in their way.
Lección 8- El Poder de la Persistencia
Lección 8- El Poder de la Persistencia: Entrepreneurship is not “get rich quick” and expecting it to be easy is a mistake. The “secret” behind every entrepreneur’s success is hard work, perseverance and determination. Participants learn from experience the importance of persistence and the role it plays in every entrepreneur’s success story.
- Dawn Halfaker – “Focus on what you have”
- Brian Scudamore – “Slow and steady wins the race”
- Ted and Sirena Moore – “Are you willing to go the distance?”
- Rodney Walker – “Imagine something greater”
- Jason Campbell – “Adversity as an advantage”
- Palwasha Saddiqi – “Nothing in life is easy”
- Ryan Blair – “A poor kid with poor beliefs”
- David Petite – “Create your own reality”
Opciones de ofrecimiento del curso
El Programa de emprendimiento de La Casa del Hielo puede ser ofrecido en el formato blended o de clase invertida (flipped),también puede se puede ofrecer totalmente en línea.
Blended o aula Invertida: Siguiendo el formato de la clase invertida (flipped), ésta permite a los estudiantes ver las presentaciones narradas de la pizarra y realizar actividades fuera de clase y en su tiempo libre, a su propio ritmo; dejando el tiempo de clase para discusiones interactivas, talleres con pares, presentaciones de estudiantes y conferencias.
En línea: La entrega en línea ofrece flexibilidad y conveniencia con el potencial para con con estudiantes en un amplio rango geográfico. Discusiones en línea y talleres entre pares pueden realizarse a través de administradores de sistemas de aprendizaje institucionales y otras herramientas de conferencia interactivas de video.
El programa puede ser entregado como oferta de semestre completo o medio semestre. Para implementación a gran escala el contenido del curso puede ser integrado al administrador de sistemas de aprendizaje institucional.