Today, we’re speaking with Susana Cabrera, who is one of the original entrepreneurs featured in the Ice House Entrepreneurship Program.
I originally interviewed Susana in 2010, when she was in the first few years of her entrepreneurial journey.
Today, I had the chance to catch up with her to revisit her journey and the life lessons she learned along the way.
One thing you can say is that she takes the concept of side hustle to a whole new level.
Susana built and sold Delicious Bites, a successful food product business—in her spare time—all while raising two children and holding down a full-time job as an executive in a Fortune 500 company!
In this episode, we talk about overcoming fear, building resilience, the importance of asking for help, and the power of a compelling goal.
Listen to the podcast here
Fear Is The Biggest Enemy With Susana Cabrera
In this episode, I’m speaking with Susana Cabrera, who is one of the original entrepreneurs featured in the Ice House Entrepreneurship Program. I originally interviewed Susana in 2010 when she was in the first few years of her entrepreneurial journey. Today, I had the chance to catch up with her to revisit her journey and the life lessons she learned along the way.
One thing I can say for sure is she takes the concept of side hustle to a whole new level. Susana built and sold Delicious Bites, a successful food product business in her spare time, all while raising two children and holding down a full-time job as an executive in a Fortune 500 company. In this episode, we talk about overcoming fear, building resilience, the importance of asking for help, and the power of a compelling goal. Without any further ado, I hope you enjoy my wide-ranging conversation with Susana Cabrera.
Susana, welcome to the show.
Thank you so much for having me here.
I’ve been looking forward to this conversation for a long time. We’ve been talking a lot over the last few months, but I want to set the conversation up by telling our audience that you are one of the entrepreneurs who are featured in the Ice House Entrepreneurship Program. We met in 2010 when you were in the very early stages of your own entrepreneurial journey. Is that right?
That is absolutely right. I was five years into that journey.
You were beyond startup, but you weren’t where you were trying to get to yet. One of the things I wanted to ask you that I ask a lot of our guests is what put you on this path. Did you have entrepreneurial people influencing you? Was it a hardship? What do you think it was that guided you into an entrepreneurial path?
I had a lot of influence in my life that was entrepreneurial. First and foremost, both of my parents. My dad was an engineer. He was a Marine Veteran from the Second World War. When they moved to Venezuela, he started as an engineer. That was his background. As an engineer, he went and did his thing. My mom was an entrepreneur by nature as well. There were five of us so that was her main focus, but then she also did her thing.
I chose a career that is very much entrepreneurial because I’m an attorney. That’s my background. As lawyers, although you go and work in a law firm, which I did for the extent of about eight years, you are pretty much an entrepreneur because you have to find clients, paint clients, focus on them, and make them successful. Luckily for me, I married an entrepreneur. He founded multiple companies, from founding to exit strategy.
You had no choice.
I had it coming from everywhere. Although I was working in Corporate America, I wanted to walk in those shoes for two main reasons. First, because I wanted to have that end-to-end experience. Also, as a leader, I wanted to walk in the shoes of my customers. I wanted to know what was like to be on that other side and have the end-to-end. I could have gone. Education is something that I have a lot of respect for. I have a lot of education in terms of preparing myself, but a master would have never done what the entrepreneurship experience did for me and building that resiliency.
I always say, “If there’s anything that can shape you to becoming resilient, it is precisely being an entrepreneur.” Why? It’s because you fail so many times. If you want to continue, you have to stand up again, very much dust that away, and continue walking. I think that’s a character builder in every aspect you can think about. It’s rewarding but it’s painful along the way.
Let’s talk about that for a second. We’re going to leap ahead and maybe we can come back to the beginning. You’re absolutely right. Any startup, whether you’re starting a pizza place or you want to change the world, it’s difficult. People always talk about that difficulty and that challenge, but they often neglect to talk about the difficulty of not doing it. Many people are unsatisfied with their careers. They trudge away and go to work every day. Maybe they’re not challenged in the same way, but it seems to me that there’s a price to be paid for that also.
I love what you’re saying because in my experience, what I have come to realize is we all have a fear component in our minds that was embedded at some point in our lives. We think too much. Fear is the biggest enemy that I see when you want to start something. Everybody has fear. I had fear. You had fear. We all have fear before we start something but you have to be rational about it. You have to sit down and say, “It is worse if I don’t try to go and do what I believe in my heart, soul, and mind that I can do and achieve.”
You need to have a plan, strategy, and all of those components that allow you to move forward, but fear is what stops you in your tracks. You put it aside, which we all know as procrastination. That procrastination is the strong influence of fear in our minds. It corrupts everything that you are envisioning and dreaming. Instead, you have to stop it and say, “This is what I want.” If you think about any of these big individuals who have built companies and ideas that nobody could have ever dreamed of creating, they started with that. They battle fear all the way through.
That’s the point. I love this conversation already. People don’t understand that fear is always there and we have to march forward in spite of it. You said something important that I don’t want to get lost. It’s that we have to be rational about it because fear is irrational in a lot of cases. It creates an emotional affect that stops us from even thinking about it any further. We don’t think about it.
There’s a term in psychology called the Affect Heuristic. We have a negative immediate reaction but we stopped thinking about it. It’s like boom, done. I told you a minute ago that I’m in the process of trying to get a movie made out of my first book Who Owns The Ice House. I got Imposter syndrome going on in the back of my mind all the time. I love that you said that right from the rip. You have to march for that. The fear never goes away because as your confidence level increases, the challenge increases.
Probably not all in our audience are parents, but I love the analogy of parenthood because when you become a parent, I don’t think that there is anything more fearful than raising another human. You have a huge responsibility in your hands, but we do it. How many times do we fail? Anyone who tells me that they have the perfect recipe for parenthood, I don’t know if I can believe that because I think very strongly that you do fail. You learn through the process. You don’t fail in ways that can jeopardize the human. That’s why you get a lot of support. I always say, “To raise a person takes a village,” because you have others. You’re a better listener as a parent because you look and seek support all the time. The same thing happens when you start a company.
It takes a village and you have to be open to feedback, support, and asking questions. We all have this imposter syndrome in the back of our minds. We’re like, “Can I do that?” You always have to reframe it and say, “Of course, I can.” That’s why I always say it’s so important that you put a plan so that you can see it. It needs to be tangible. You’re like, “What am I going to do first? X, Y, Z?” That allows you to outline the outcomes. Instead of trying to boil the ocean, you start in steps so that it’s not overwhelming. What is fear? Fear is the product of lack of information. Fear builds when you don’t know what’s on the other side. When you understand what’s on the other side, fear starts to disappear.
There’s another important component in what you’re saying. We have this fear, but when you sit down and start thinking, “What are the next steps? What are some things that I can do that tend to ameliorate the fear?” Action is the antidote to anxiety. It’s so counterintuitive. Susana, we’re getting way ahead of ourselves. We’re going to have a second episode. I could already tell.
Take me back to the beginning. You have a Law degree. You’re working in Corporate America, functioning at a very high level and you decide to start a company. That’s what’s unique about this interview. You aren’t in financial dire straits. You’re thriving as an executive, and yet you still decide to start a company in your spare time. What the heck is going on inside that brain of yours that made you want to do that?
Not that I can say there was spare time because my two daughters were young at that time. There was no such thing as spare time.
Let me get this straight. You’re working inside a major corporation. You’re a mom with two young daughters and you decide to do this. That’s a special kind of crazy.
I know why, additionally to that. I always say that’s another role in itself.
What’s going on in your mind? Why do you choose to do this, specifically at this time?
The main reason was I always envisioned being able to say that I built this. From what I build, I make this impact on others because I created jobs, and into my family. I don’t know how to call this, but it is that internal feeling of wanting to be able to create something that I can say I deliver value. It’s tangible and it’s out there. It’s a legacy. My girls could also look up to it and say, “My mom got a degree. She went to school and then Corporate America. Additionally to that, she fought every fear that she had. She built a company and stuck to it, and then exit strategy.” It was this need that I had.
In my new book, I wrote this idea that entrepreneurial behavior, in my view, is an expression of the self-actualizing tendency in humans. You basically said that. What I want people to understand is that it’s unfair to characterize the entrepreneur as someone who takes a risk in exchange for a profit.
I cannot agree more.
First of all, it’s vulgar. It’s denigrating to the entrepreneur to know Susana Cabrera and say, “She was just motivated by profit.” It is a gross mischaracterization of who you are as a person. Your ambition was so much bigger than that. You weren’t doing it for the money.
I will reframe the need to desire because it was that desire to create something tangible. It could be a legacy that I could set an example for my daughters. I could set an example for others who did not see a way of doing that. It could create some jobs because if you think about it, historically, small and midsize companies are those that propel society. It’s all of these elements, as well as having a product. I have shared this with you in the past. When I walked into that one store one day and saw my line of products standing right next to very well-known brands like Sara Lee, I kept looking at the freezer saying, “This is amazing.”
It is that desire that propels you forward. When you feel down, you pick yourself back up and you say, “It’s okay. It’s just one more battle and I’m going to get through it,” because you’ll have those moments very often. It’s exactly what you said. It is beyond the profit. Unless you have a profit, you cannot generate job opportunities. We gave to the food banks on a yearly basis because I thought that was important. It wasn’t that we had plenty that we could give. It was intentional and I felt that was part of why we were doing this. It’s much bigger than just the profit.
You’re busy and that’s an understatement. How do you find the opportunity? Did you have an idea in mind or were you considering lots of ideas? How did you discover the opportunity?
Delicious Bite was the result very much from a data component in the market. At that point, Hispanic cuisine was growing exponentially because of migration into the United States.
I’m asking a slightly different question. Were you looking for ideas all over the place or were you zoned in on food products or one particular area or sector?
To be very honest, I wasn’t looking all over the place. I wanted to create a brand. I needed a very tangible product that I could take to market. I did not want to do technology because I was in technology. I wanted to do something that was not second nature to me, but I could use all my skills and my business acumen to take it to the next level.
Let me ask this question right here. I want to make sure I’m clear. You went into a field in which you had no experience.
I don’t, like zero. Cooking is not my forte. I’m half Italian and I’m very lucky because I learned a lot of cooking through him, but that’s not my forte.
I want to point this out. I found a study done in 2000 or 1999 by a guy at Harvard. He found that even founders of large established companies like Waste Management, Hewlett Packard, or Microsoft typically don’t have a lot of experience in their chosen field. It’s very typical that people go into a field that they know little or nothing about. I want to point that out to readers. You said that and I wanted to make sure that it’s clear. That’s very typical. You yourself look surprised when I said that.
I did not know that so I’m like, “Wow.”
To drill into that for another second, I think there’s something to that. I don’t think that’s accidental or incidental. It’s an important ingredient. If you were more experienced either you would’ve never undertaken the project to begin with, or your expertise would have blinded you to the opportunity. What I’m saying is your lack of experience works in your favor. In German, they call this the Einstellung effect. It means your expert experience prevents you from succeeding when faced with a challenge of something different or new.
It makes a lot of sense.
You went into this. You chose food and it’s something you know nothing about. Because you’re from Venezuela, you were paying attention to the Latin American food market.
Because of that, I was watching the trends. I was watching how this was penetrating the American market. For me, on the food side, I have some allergies and I’m very health conscious. I said, “I want to bring to market something that first and foremost demystifies some of the myths in that cuisine or from a Latin American standpoint.” I knew that going into the grocery market, my product was going to be put on the ethnic side, while I wanted my brand to be on the mainstream. Why? It’s because I knew I was going to have more traffic. That required my brand to stand out and be appealing to all types of individuals. They will require a little bit of understanding about the product but with the right branding and colors.
There was a lot of work that went towards creating the brand and packaging. You literally have ten seconds in the midst of all the appetizers, which was the niche of Delicious Bite by Latin American appetizers to catch the attention of the individual. Knowing that, you had to come out with colors that were appealing. The logo of Delicious Bite was a woman, which was my silhouette putting a bite in her mouth. All of these pieces were very well crafted by design to go in and capture because we were very small.
I was going into a market and I wanted to penetrate a market that allowed me access to a larger population. You can only do that in these big grocery retail chains. We have to have a website. There is a lot that comes with it. We could probably spend a complete other episode talking about that. When I thought about this, these were the things that I considered. I have business acumen on it. These were the components that helped me to say that I can bring these skills and all this experience that I have into something that I had no background.
It sounds like you’re working from the outside in. You’re envisioning the packaging, the brand, the positioning, and all these things. How did you come up with the recipe for the actual product? That’s what’s interesting to me because most people start with the product and then work backward.
We knew the product because it was the leading product going out. It’s very much like a mozzarella stick, but it’s not. First, it is made out of Hispanic white cheese. The mozzarella stick is spread. This one has a dough that is handcrafted and wraps the Hispanic white cheese. When we came up with the recipe, the recipe at the beginning was built from scratch. It’s based on a recipe back in Venezuela that is very popular back there. We went and worked with a company. Puratos was our product recipe developer so that you could have a sustained, stable, and quality-assured product. We work with them.
We didn’t create the product out of nothing. We created it based on something that existed, and we knew that it was going to be appealing. Most of all, it wasn’t going to be as difficult to educate the market because I could use the analogy and highlight the benefits of instead of having a mozzarella stick, you can get tequeños. The one thing that happens with the mozzarella sticks is that parents do not allow toddlers to eat them unless they’re very well supervised because they are strings and they can choke on them. With the Hispanic white cheese, you bite and it cuts. They are not strings. That on its own was a value prop. These were the well-thought-out elements that from a recipe standpoint, we thought about it.
The other product was the Pandebono. The Pandebono is very much like the Brazilian queso. It’s not the same because, recipe-wise, they are different. It’s a gluten-free base out of tapioca that people are very familiar with and the taste is amazing. These were our product lines. There are 4 or 5 products and they were based on these elements that we could position as a value prop so that we could compete and attract the market to try. The only thing that I needed, and I was clear about this, was I needed them to try. I knew that by trying the product, I was going to guarantee repetitive purchases, which is recurring revenue from that side of it. Why? It’s because, in grocery retail, these buyers look for that.
You don’t stay in the freezer unless your product rotates. They can then get another case because they have indicators. They have to abide by it if they buy. These were all of the elements that we considered. All of this gives me a viable product that I have a probability that is good to drive sales and then position the company for a bigger company to acquire. I said, “I can add this to my stack of product portfolio that caters not only to Latin American cuisine and people but also to the mainstream.”
Because you came from Venezuela, were you noticing that there were these food products that were very popular in Latin culture but you were not seeing them in American grocery stores? Is that part of what fueled this?
The momentum was there. Because the momentum was there, the door to having this conversation was cracked open. You just have to push it so that you can get in and have a conversation.
You jumped in a river that was already moving. You didn’t have to start the river.
Correct, which is very important because that’s your best-case scenario. You still have to do a lot of work, but the door is a little bit cracked open for you.
The opportunity is there. I get it. Let’s go forward. You created this product and you used professional people to help you develop the product to market and create a design, a brand, and so forth, but then it was you out there selling, wasn’t it?
Yes. Here’s why. My husband and I are in this together. The operations side is very intense because we own the manufacturing facility. He was in front of all of that and working with different companies so that we could bring things to life, while I had to do the initial positioning and selling. Branding, selling, and positioning were on my side. I was very transparent while I was doing this. Before I embarked on this, I had a conversation at the company where I was working. I said, “I’m going to do this but without affecting at all my performance.”
I had a number so I own a P&L in the corporation. I couldn’t sleep through that because it shows right away. I always say that transparency is an important component for me and it’s a value that defines me. Otherwise, I would have never done it. There was no such thing as working from home back in the day. You have to be physically there and I had a large team. My days at work were my days out of work, but I had vacations. My family was impacted by this because of all of my vacation days, nights, weekends, and everything else, I dedicated to Delicious Bite. If I had done it 100% of my time, it would have accelerated faster but I couldn’t because I had to do my job.
What it gave me in exchange is that every time I was performing in my corporate job, I was looking at money in a completely different way. I knew exactly that this money and investment, I wanted to be more wise and intentional. Also, the customer experience. I wanted to make sure what I was delivering because now I’m walking on the other shoes as well. This gave me a perspective that no amount of Master’s education could have ever given me. I feel it has a tremendous value. It gave me a completely different output.
That’s super interesting. I found a paper somewhere that showed that people who have side hustles improve their performance in their day job.
You have to manage time wisely.
You got to manage time but it is counterintuitive. A lot of employers might say, “I don’t want my people side hustling,” when in fact they probably do. They’ll get higher levels of engagement for the reasons you stated. You start to look at the world, money, and people a little bit differently when you are immersed in that world. You can’t get that with a diploma.
Even your compassion completely changed. You become a more compassionate leader because you know what feels like to be in a place where you have to pick up yourself and ask questions. It changed me completely. It made me a lot more compelling.
This journey for you was a ten-year journey. Is that what you told me?
Fifteen years.
It’s a fifteen-year journey from start to end, all in your spare time. You and I have talked about this but I want to talk about it some more. It’s your ability to persist. This wasn’t a straight ride to the top. This didn’t just happen in a smooth way. You had all kinds of setbacks and challenges. We talked a little bit about the first time you saw your product in the grocery store next to Sarah Lee products. You’re like, “I did it. I got there.” Let’s backfill that a little bit. How did you get there? I know you’ve talked about your attitude with sales teams. They don’t return your phone calls. They’ll tell you not right now or no. How did you cope with that rejection in that long sales cycle?
In every market, when you have a startup, you have to start through cold calling. You have your funnel and your funnel at the beginning is very broad.
What does that look like? What is cold calling? Walk us through that. What’s your first day of cold calling?
First, you have to identify and then you make a list of who you’re going to call. You first call the reception back in the days. Now, it’s probably a little bit more complicated or not even. You can look on the internet and find the buyers because that’s the person you want to talk to. In my world back in the day, I had the buyer at the grocery store or the broker. Some of the times, when I spoke with a buyer, they sent me or referred me to the broker. Cold calling is painful because you have to battle your fear. There is something inside you when you do cold calling that tells you, “This person might not want to take my call.”
“I’m going to get rejected.”
The biggest fear we all have is rejection. You may be like, “Why are they going to pick up my call?” You have to battle that. How do you battle that? You get that phone, dial it, and leave a message. If they don’t pick up, then you call again and then you call again. That persistence takes people to a point. When you leave a message, your message needs to be clear and concise. It has to trigger curiosity in the person. Don’t go and say, “My name is Susana Cabrera.” You introduce yourself but why you’re calling has to be intentional.
I knew exactly that these buyers had a need for Hispanic cuisine and I had certified my company as minority-owned. Immediately, I will start with, “I’m so and so. I’m calling you from Delicious Bite and my product targets specific Hispanic cuisine. I need five minutes from you. Can you call me back?” It’s along those lines. I will leave a voice message and call again. I will call their executive assistants and establish a relationship with them. It nurtures some connection with those individuals that could open a door for me into that. I thought I got into many of these buyers. Additionally to that, I went to trade shows so that I could have my stand there and they could see it.
I would look through who is going to be there and what buyers are going to be there because sometimes these cold calls do not work or they tell you, “I’m going to be in this trade show. Can you be there?” We had a stand and went to these trade shows. We will be there with the product and you have to get out of your comfort zone. I have never done that in my life. I had to get out of my comfort zone and do what we had to do at that point. When we got into Walmart, we got simultaneously into Sam’s Club. The one condition that they put on me was they wanted me to demo in the Sam’s Club.
They gave me initially only three stores and they wanted me to demo. I had to demo my product with assistance as well in the stores during the weekends, so I’m there. This is something that I’ve never done in my life. I’ll be very honest. I love people so that’s a positive. That helps you. Still, this is out of your comfort zone. This thing is inside you. It’s the fear that stops you in your tracks. You have to work through it and you have to say, “I know this is not rational. I know this is absolutely doable. I know that I can do this.” You then go back to your purpose. Why are you doing this? For me, that was essential. What’s my reason? What’s my why? That always helped me to reframe the fear and say, “Mr. Fear, I want you to go away right now.”
I love that. I read it in psychological literature. That’s what you should be doing. You have these immediate goals but you have to have a bigger picture in the back of your mind. I’ll talk about this and I want to start winding down. We’re not even going to begin to capture your whole story, but the thing that people don’t necessarily understand is it’s the vision in your head that pulls you into this future. This goal that you have that you so desperately want to make this thing happen pulls out of you the behaviors and abilities that won’t otherwise come out of you. It stresses you in a positive way.
It’s the desire. When you embark on entrepreneurship, leadership, or anything else, the desire is what leads you into behaviors that are resilient. It’s the desire that is embedded in you that you go, “I don’t feel good. It is fine, but I’m going to pick myself up. I’m going to continue going.”
What I’m trying to say is that’s a mental tactic that you’ve developed that people need to understand. That’s a tool in your toolkit. When you’re having a rough day and things aren’t going the way you want, and you’re fearful and things aren’t working right, the ability to recall that goal or the bigger vision is the way you get yourself to keep going.
I agree. I’m a person of faith. I’m a woman of faith. You know that. In reality, when you’re rational, there is nothing in life that you cannot achieve. If you want to become a doctor, you just have to go to school so that you can become a doctor. Now more than ever, we have information that is at our fingertips. What it takes is intention. There is nothing in this world that you cannot achieve. You need a plan and a support system. You need to first and foremost humble yourself and know that you’re not going to have the answers to everything. That is okay. There are a lot of people out there that is willing to extend their hand to provide you with information, assist you, and support you.
We have this thing in our minds that we don’t want to ask for information because if we do, we are less. I disagree 100%. If we think as a community, there are a lot of people. The worst that can happen is that the person tells you no. What’s the harm in that? You say, “I understand. That individual might have the reasons for saying no,” but there is somebody else around the corner that I can assure you is willing to say yes. I found so many buyers. I told you this story. One of them even told me that when I had Oprah talking about my product, that person would entertain my product. I scratch my head and say, “I don’t want my product in this grocery chain. That’s for sure.”
On the other side, there were other buyers who were incredibly supportive and said, “I love what you have created. I want to give you the chance. I need you to look into this and that.” I was open and receptive. I listen to feedback and be humble from that end. You keep building, moving, and growing but there is nothing in life that you cannot achieve. What you put in your mind if you have a plan, you execute.
The key ingredient here is execution. Keep walking every single time. If you’re going to get from point A to point Z, the only way to get through the journey, if you’re doing it by foot, is by walking. If you stop, there’s going to be delays. It’s okay if you have to stop and take a breath here and there. That’s absolutely right, but then you have to start again and keep walking. The key is execution. It has to do with a clear plan, and then execution.
I wanted to touch base briefly as we wind down. Asking for help is a superpower. I read something and Steve Jobs wrote about this. It’s like, “Pick up the phone and ask people for help.” People want to help other people. Sometimes people will say no but people will help you along the way. As you said earlier, no one does this alone. It takes a village.
You did all of this while you were employed. You’re raising a family and you are gainfully employed. You were functioning at a high level in a Fortune 500 company. It took you fifteen years. You finally sold Delicious Bite to a larger company. It’s no longer something you’re doing. What advice do you have? How did this change you? Is there one thing you would say to somebody who’s thinking about or wants to do their own thing?
It changed me in so many ways. It changed me from the perspective of I could achieve what I put my mind into, not only holding a corporate job but creating something that I wanted to take to market. It changed me as a human because it certainly humbled me in many ways from knowing that you don’t have all the answers. Not having all the answers is okay. Most of all, from a leader’s standpoint, your job is not to have all the answers. Your job is to have all the best people in different aspects so that you can drive progress and growth towards a common goal. Also, walking in the shoes of an entrepreneur, I do consider myself a very resilient individual, but this made me even more resilient.
If there is something I can tell people, it is if there is something that you want to do, the most important aspect of pursuing and achieving this is how strong is your desire. You have to ask yourself the question, “How much do I want this?” If your desire is something that you keep waking up and going to bed and you feel that it’s a burning thing in you, know that you are going to have fearful moments and there’s going to be this other voice in the back of your head. You have to challenge yourself. You have to find the tool that best works for you to put that voice to sleep and say, “Every time this voice comes, let me use my rational self and say I can do this. I have all these elements. I’m going to have a plan, start small, and see where this gets me.”
You need to know fear is going to be there. It’s radical acceptance. You have to radically accept that fear is going to be there and that you’re going to have to put that fear to sleep. The one thing that I always talk about is silence. I think that we don’t take enough time to quiet our minds. Some people can probably say, “In the quiet, I have found all the responses that I need.” There is no amount of talking and no amount of lecture that could have given me the answers that I found when I learned how to be in silence. The reason is that’s a relationship with yourself. That’s when you have to face the fears. Those are your enemies to progress. If you learn how to put them aside, I’m going to say 90% of the battle is won.
There’s a great saying from the Buddha which is, “Our own thoughts unguarded will harm us more than our worst enemy, but once mastered, they can help us even more than our mother or our father.” I think that’s a great place to end, Susana. Thank you so much for taking the time to share this story with us. I want to make sure we know where people can find you. Now that you’ve retired from your executive position, you’ve sold Delicious Bite and you’re now going into the consulting world helping small and medium enterprises, you’re using your entrepreneurial experience to help small and medium companies grow, where can people find you?
You can find me at
Susana, thank you so much for being part of this show. I can’t wait to share your story with the world there.
Gary, this has been a pleasure. You know that I have a lot of respect, not only for what you do but also as a human. I appreciate the opportunity and all the help that you always extend to me. Thank you so much.
Thank you, Susana.
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