Why Do We Need to Engage 1Million Mindsets?
Research points to the widening gap in economic participation as a threat to the vitality of our economy and, more broadly, the stability of nations. This shift is not just being felt by those at the bottom of the economic pyramid. In fact, even as the middle class erodes, employers are increasingly lamenting the absence of adequately prepared individuals to fill positions that pay sustainable wages – the types of jobs that built the middle class.
This is why we must find common cause with enlightened partners to invest in the future by educating (at a minimum) one million people with an entrepreneurial mindset. Beyond being an entrepreneur, an entrepreneurial mindset can empower people to live engaged lives, be that as a business owner or valued employee. This mindset goes well beyond simple business acumen; it is a life skill that encourages individuals to seek higher purpose and outcomes for their life.
How Do We Engage 1Million Mindsets?
Working in Higher Education, with the support of thought leaders in philanthropy and policymaking, this Movement is redefining student success in the 21st Century.
Using a model that incorporates innovative curriculum with faculty development, and problem-based experiential learning that leverages community engagement, we can expose students to the underlying attitudes that cultivate entrepreneurial behavior – be it as an employee, entrepreneur, philanthropist, or elected official.
A primary goal of this movement will be for students to learn from the firsthand experience of others, benefit from peer-to-peer learning, and engage with a community that will eventually support them as promising entrepreneurs or welcome them as wonderfully qualified employees strengthening the companies eager to hire them. Additionally, we hope to activate communities to embrace and live these values through their grant making, policy reform, and support for education.
Entrepreneurship education can be an agent for societal change, a great enabler in all sectors. And, while not everyone needs to become an entrepreneur to benefit from an entrepreneurial mindset, all members of society need to be more entrepreneurial.
Humanity’s full potential will be realized once we empower everyone with an entrepreneurial mindset. It is our greatest natural resource and best investment for a future of peace and prosperity.
– Thom Ruhe, CEO ELI